So I find myself towards the end of the year now, back to my unfortunately unemployed self, sitting at the kitchen bench contemplating life and wondering what's next, just as I did seven months ago having returned from England. At least this time around I'm not scared about driving in the city, have a bunch of new and awesome friends from everything life has thrown at me this year and just finished a wicked seven months working on The Price Is Right, which totally affirmed my eagerness to work in this industry despite the fact that there will always be periods like this where I'll find myself in this exact position.
Never fear, I accepted a job this afternoon...however will have to figure out just how I'm going to fill my time between now and then the job doesn't start until the end of November. "Ah the life of wanting to work in television" ... I'm starting to understand how it all works now.
Another sigh...
Apart from a five day trip to Melbourne in early November for Melbourne Cup, I have NO plans really so seems like a good time to start my blog again, and I'm going to start writing a book I've wanted to do and now have the time to actually start. Apart from this I plan to watch a lot of Foxtel (bring on the Geordie Shore!) sell stuff on Ebay for cash...(what stuff this is I don't know yet) and galavant around Sydney they do on the Geordie Shore....get mortal...with whoever wants to do such a thing with me. Isn't it our God's given right as Australians to do just that? Woop!
I plan to move out next month too...If I'm going to be working at Fox Studios it's just not an option to stay in Wahroonga, as much as I dearly love my family and have really appreciated the option to save a bunch of money.
So I don't know now that I'm not travelling around what the theme of this blog will be..if any...but I just plan to write about my adventures in general. Here's to hoping there's a lot of them waiting for me in the near future....Boredom is not my friend!
Peace x